Thu07Nov201919:30Eintritt frei
Lesung in englischer Sprache mit Eugene Ostashevsky and Donna Stonecipher.
The Berlin Writers' Workshop and Lettrétage present a reading celebrating the work of Eugene Ostashevsky and Donna Stonecipher.
Sat23Nov2019Sun24Nov201910 AM - 16 PM 125€
A Workshop covering the basics of fiction writing by Victoria Gosling and Jane Flett
Suitable for new writers or offering a shot in the arm for those who want to reinvigorate their writing practise, the course will cover establishing a writing routine, with exercises to kickstart the imagination, tuition on characterisation and dialogue (Saturday), followed by a class on plot and structure, guidance on editing, and a brief overview of how to begin finding publishers for your work (Sunday). The perfect place to reignite your love of writing, the workshop will provide inspiration and encouragement in equal measure in a supportive, creative environment.
Mon25Nov201919:30Eintritt gegen Spende: 4-10€
Lesung in englischer Sprache, Moderation: Traci Kim
Literally Speaking is Berlin's fiction reading series that features local writers and the authors who inspire their stories. Each month, five writers share their original work, as well as an excerpt from an author of their choice that highlights the month’s theme. This month's theme is "Dysfunctional Thanksgiving".
Tue26Nov201920:00Eintritt frei
Buchvorstellung und Lesung mit Mati Shemoelof u.a., Moderation: Rainer Zimmer-Winkel
Die Publikation von Mati Shemoelofs neuem Gedichtband "Bagdad | Haifa | Berlin" markiert einen bedeutsamen Augenblick: hebräischsprechende Dichter kehren nach Berlin zurück. In der Zeit zwischen den Weltkriegen gab es in Berlin einmal mehr hebräische Verleger als in Palästina. Zugleich ist der Übersetzer des Bandes, Jan Kühne, ein deutschsprechender Dichter, der in West-Jerusalem lebt.