Sat01Apr202320:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 5 €
Reading with Redfern Jon Barrett
A glittering metropolis of 24 million people, Berlin is a bustling world of pride parades, polyamorous trysts, and even an official gay language. Its distant radio broadcasts are a lifeline for teenagers William and Gareth, but is there a place for them in the deeply divided city? Meanwhile, young mother Cissie loves Berlin’s towering high rises and chaotic multiculturalism, yet she’s never left her heterosexual district — not until she discovers a walled-off slum of perpetual twilight, home to the city’s forbidden trans residents.
Fri07Apr202319:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt frei
Book Swap Party by The Reader Berlin, Siena Powers, and Victor Breidenbach
(c) Victor Breidenbach, Siena MillerIt is time to let go of the fantasy that you will ever read Thomas Mann’s Der Zauberberg or Alfred Doblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz. They have been judging you from their high shelf for long enough. You are an adult and will never find the time to read them! The time has come to let someone else carry the burden for a while. [read more…]
Fri14Apr202319:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, auf Spendenbasis, Empf.: 12€/15€
Reading and Performance by Soul and the City
(c) Soul and the CitySoul and the City are thrilled to invite you to a special event focused on politics out of love and love out of politics – and some deadly kisses in between. Some say “everything is politics”, others say “everything is love”, while the truth lies in between. This special event is bound to raise social and political awareness, while celebrating diversity, individuality, cultures and ethnicities in an overall atmosphere of amazing vibrations, good times, inherent hope and love manifestations through multidisciplinary artists and an array of thought-provoking, engaging artistic displays.
!!!At SOULandtheCITY we embrace roots, growth, (r)evolution, transformation and human beauty!!!
Sun16Apr202320:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt frei
Reading and discussion with Lucy Jones and Alexander Wells
(c) pxfuel.comBrigitte Reimann was one of the most important female voices in the GDR. A prolific writer, she wrote a clutch of novels before dying fifty years ago of cancer, aged 39. The English version of her novel "Die Geschwister", has been published by Penguin Classics and Transit Books as Siblings, translated by Lucy Jones.[read more…]