Tue03Sep201920:00Eintritt gegen Spende: 4-10€
Lesung in englischer Sprache, Moderation: Traci Kim
© Literally Speaking Literally Speaking is Berlin's fiction reading series that features local writers and the authors who inspire their stories. Each month, five writers share their original work, as well as an excerpt from an author of their choice that highlights the month’s theme. This month's theme is "Flux".
Fri13Sep201919:30Eintritt frei
Lesung in englischer Sprache mit Fatin Abbas und Jennifer Kronovet, Moderation: Rebecca Rukeyser
© Berlin Writers The Berlin Writers' Workshop present a reading celebrating the work of Fatin Abbas and Jennifer Kronovet.
Free entry. Limited seating.
Sat14Sep201910:00 - 17:00Beitrag: 150€
Workshop mit Madhvi Ramani und Mary Kelly
Led by Madhvi Ramani, writer and editor (New York times, Penguin Random House), and Mary Kelly, playwright and actor (Nick Hern Books, Stinging-Fly Press).
This is not a traditional creative writing workshop. You will use theatre and original writing techniques to connect your physical voice with your voice on the page. You will move, you will write, you will explore and expand your individual voice. For women who want to start to write, continue to write, or want to surprise themselves.