Senate funding for the role of the “anchor institution” of Berlin’s independent literary scene
Pressrelease from March 5th 2018
CROWD – CReating Other Ways of Dissemination. December 2014 until November 2016.
Pressrelease from January 9th 2015
¿Comment! Reading is writing is reading. September until November 2014
Soundout-Festival. 24th May until 1st June 2014
Literary burning points – Microtexts from Latin America and Europe. 22nd and 23rd October 2011
Podium discussion with the state cultural secretary André Schmitz. 12th September 2011
LUCES IN THE SKY[PE] – Young authors from Sp@in. September until December 2010
Botenstoffe. Argentinian-German writers’ conference. 23th until 26th March 2010
Karneval der Literaturen – International literary festival from November 9th until 20th 2008
All linked articles are only available in German.