Fri05Apr202419:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt frei
PORTAL: Book Launch & Party
with Tracy Fuad, Zoe Darsee, Patty Nash and Lotta Thießen
(c) Privat Please join us to celebrate the launch of PORTAL, a new collection of poetry by Tracy Fuad published by the University of Chicago Press.
Thu11Apr202420:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, 15/5€
Deutsch / English / DGS (mit Dolmetschung)
Ausgehend von zwei Videoarbeiten entwickelt sich eine Zusammenarbeit zwischen dem *Tauben Performance Künstler* Eyk Kauly und dem hörenden Sound-Duo HYENAZ (Kathryn Fischer und Adrienne Teicher). Gemeinsam untersuchen sie mittels Gebärden, Tönen, Performance und Video, was es heißen könnte, die Bedingungen der Hörbarkeit zu queeren.
On the basis of two video works a collaboration develops between deaf performance artist Eyk Kauly and the hearing sound artists HYENAZ (Kathryn Fischer and Adrienne Teicher). Together they explore through sound, signs, and performance how conditions of audibility can be challenged.
Sat13Apr202420:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission free
Performative Reading
(c) Siesta SIESTA FESTIVAL returns with an thrilling exploration of literature and performance, ensembling the voices of three authors: Antonio Ungar, renowned for his acclaimed novels, invites audiences into crafted narratives that traverse languages and cultures, while Giuliana Kiersz, a poet and playwright, offers poetic insights into the human
condition through multimedia landscapes. Felipe Sáez Riquelme , a
boundary-pushing poet and performance artist, challenges the forms and explores through oral expressions and listening, alternatives forms of writing.
Their works will be translated by Susanne Lange #SusanneLange, Timo Berger, and Laura Haber, who bring experience and linguistic fluency to expand languages, exploiting the richness of the texts and the performances.
Adding a visual dimension to the experience are Rocío Rodriguez, and Ian Kornfeld, infusing the event with an immersive aesthetic backdrop. Moderator Regina Riveros will walk us through the night, while the Musician Mauricio Fleury will make us celebrate the closing of another unforgettable journey.
Together, this second constellation promises an unforgettable walk through the realms of latin american arts, inviting you to explore new horizons and perspectives. -
Wed17Apr202419:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, 12/6€
Reading and Discussion
European Young Literature Berlin is part of a series of events, readings and publications stretching from Paris, Matera, Stockholm to Berlin.
Sat20Apr202420:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, 10€
Reading and Performance
CONVERGENCE is an evening of experimental, multi-sensory performances organized by Kross Collective, which explore dialogues between sound, text, and visuals. For our second event, we are delighted to premiere a new, live A/V performance by vocalist Wilma Sävström and experimental musician Days Like Television. Von Jeglichem Wort- a sound & text project- will present an ambient sound performance of poetry and video. Mire is the dark-ambient drone and atmospheric soundscape project of Andreea Hriscu, and for this evening she will present a sound and art performance.
Mon22Apr202420:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission free
Magazine Launch
(c) Erotic Reviews Join us to celebrate the (re)launch of the Erotic Review. This launch marks a new chapter in the 30-year-old British magazine's storied history. Showcasing art and writing from around the world, the Review is takes a fresh look at what the erotic is, or could be, in our lives and gives space to an open, playful and compassionate discourse about desire. Find out more about Issue 1 on the website.
Wed24Apr202420:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission free
Book Presentation: 'Arab Berlin: Dynamics of Transformation'
Arab Berlin – an Ibn Rushd Lecture with Nahed Samour and Mahmoud SalemSonnenallee is one of the most famous streets of Berlin these days - and this no longer related to the legendary 1990s film about the German reunification, but to all the Arab businesses framing its wide sidewalks. Arab groceries stores and halal butcher shops, shisha cafés and shawarma restaurants, Arab banks and Islamic fashion stores gave it it’s second name – for a while known as ‘Little Beirut’ or ‘Gaza Strip’, it now just goes by the name of ‘Arab Street’ to account for the diversity in Arab provenance. But these are just the facades, and there is so much more to Arab Life and Culture in Berlin.
The newly published book "Arab Berlin: Dynamics of Transformation" edited by Hanan Badr and Nahed Samour takes a closer look behind the facades and examines the multifaceted changes in Berlin and its Arab communities. From politics and society over history and migration to gender and beyond, Arabs actively participate in shaping these transformations. Badr and Samour’s comprehensive compilation comprises academic articles, essays, interviews, and photographs, providing profound insights into Berlin's intricate dynamics. Authors from diverse backgrounds contribute their perspectives, fostering a nuanced dialogue on contemporary shifts.
Please register at the following link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdsthK20kqgEwFDFlPO9qIcSCOXzqA2vor2NDqmxVy4J9cIag/viewform?sender_campaign=e3GJWM&sender_ctype=email&sender_customer=9rlXNpJ