Thu01Feb202420:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission: free
Book launch with Chana Porter
The Berlin Writers' Workshop presents a reading with Chana Porter to celebrate the launch of THE THICK AND THE LEAN.
Fri09Feb202419:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, 9/6€
Lyriklesung und Gespräch
Am 9. Februar begrüßt Book and you die Québecer Dichterin Maude Veilleux in der Lettrétage. Im Gepäck hat sie mit „Last call les murènes“und „Une sorte de lumière spéciale“ zwei Gedichtbände, die im Januar zum ersten Mal in Frankreich bei Bouclard erscheinen. Jennifer Dummer wird den Besuch der Dichterin moderieren.
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Sat10Feb202420:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 6,-
A Cross-Disciplinary Exploration of Experimental Arts. With Tuce Alba, Ioana Cristina Casapu, Days Like Television, Andreea Hriscu, Silvia Laporta, Georg Leß and David Spittle
CONVERGENCE is an evening of immersive, multi-sensory performances, exploring dialogues between sound, text, and visuals. The evening will host a reading by Ioana Casapu accompanied by a gong performance by Silvia Laporta, a screening of a short-film by David Spittle which explores ideas of how moving-image and poetry might interact and coalesce, a sound performance by Andreea Hriscu that includes a poem by Georg Leß. Two extended performances will follow, including a piece by the musician and performance artist Tuce Alba, and a new collaborative piece by the painter and performance artist Andreea Hriscu, and the experimental musician Days Like Television.
Wed14Feb202419:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt auf Spendenbasis (Empfohlen: 15€)
Reading and Performance by Soul and the City
We are thrilled to invite you again to our Valentine’s Special Edition Event focused on diversity, individuality and the richness of languages and cultures with the purpose of uplifting and empowering individuals and communities, in an overall atmosphere of amazing vibrations, good times, inherent hope and love manifestations through multidisciplinary artists and an array of thought-provoking, engaging artistic displays.