
  • Sun
    19:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission €10/€4

    Lecture performance in German and English

    (c) Dead Ladies Show

    The DEAD LADIES SHOW is a series of entertaining and inspiring presentations on women who achieved amazing things against all odds. Each show hosts passionate cheerleaders of too-oft forgotten women, inviting its loyal audience into a sexy séance (of sorts) celebrating these impressive icons, turbulent lives, and deathless legacies.

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  • Mon
    19:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission free

    talk series in discussion form

    (c) Sherene Seikaly

    Kilmé is a monthly talk series dedicated to Palestinian artists, intellectuals, and academics; a platform to present their work and speak about subjects that are important to them. Kilmé means word in Arabic. The organizers are dedicated to presenting palestinian voices in all of their diversity and creativity, thus contributing to the cultural landscape of Berlin, a city with the largest Palestinian population in Europe.

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  • Mon
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission free

    Video Art, Performance, Zines, Readings

    (c) Screenshot @TVLTrzcianka1

    It is the rupture of civilization that is marked by the day of February, 24th. This evening is dedicated to the commemoration of its anniversary, without being able to call it a day, because the day does not end in the upheavals it has ushered in. It is the irreducible moment of the false, and at the same time a moment that does not fade in complexity.

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  • Fri
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission 10€

    Live performance with poetry, music and visual art

    (c) Monika Kozub

    An intimate, warm and sensual live performance of sound poems by
    Berlin Nocturnes and visual art by Monika Kozub.

    Each one of these tracks explores the erotic from a different body
    part; eyes, ears, breasts, vulva, belly, thighs. Listen to each
    part speak, accompanied by live piano and a soundscape made from sounds of the body, as sensual visual art unfolds.

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  • Thu
    19:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission free/donation basis

    Open Mic Night

    European Writers Salon is an organisation set up to connect writers across Europe. In March they are travelling to Berlin to host an open mic salon.  Everyone is welcome!

    The European Writers Salon aims to be an inclusive place for writers to meet, share work, and belong to a writing community regardless of genre or experience. [read more…]

  • Tue
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission 10€

    Reading & Discussion

    (c) MÄRZ Verlag

    The Indigo Press, MÄRZ Verlag and Katharina Volckmer invite you to a special evening celebrating the launch of "Calls May Be Recorded for Training and Monitoring Purposes"!

    This highly anticipated novel has already captured readers in Brazil, France and Germany, with translations forthcoming in multiple languages, reflecting its universal themes and sharp wit. Originally written in English we are excited to celebrate the English book launch!

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  • Thu
    19:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission free


    (c) Maja Bosnic

    Join the BKS Book Club for a presentation of works created during our first ever Creative Writing Workshop led by acclaimed Berlin-based Croatian author Ivana Sajko. Readings and discussion will take place in "our common language", these days known as Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian. The exact programme will be published closer to the date.

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  • Fri
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission 12€

    Cross disciplinary performances

    (c) Andreea Hriscu

    KROSS COLLECTIVE presents: CONVERGENCE VII, an evening of immersive performances exploring dialogues between sound, text, and visuals.

    We warmly welcome you to our seventh edition, where we have curated a selection of innovative experimental artists working across disciplines. Come by and experience boundary pushing art & performances!

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  • Sat
    20:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission 15€

    Variety Show

    (c) Poetic Hafla

    Poetic Hafla (arab. for party) is an event series that focusses on presenting middle eastern/mediterranian artists based in Berlin.

    The main idea of the Poetic Hafla is creating a place to experiment and
    to share ideas. This idea is complemented with many artistic forms of
    expression: readings, music, stand-up comedy, and performances.

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