Tue09Apr201920:00Eintritt frei
Englischsprachige Lesung mit Mark Mayer und May-Lan Tan
©Pixabay The Berlin Writers' Workshop and Lettrétage present a reading with Mark Mayer and May-Lan Tan to celebrate the release of "Aerialists", Mayer’s debut short-story collection.
Thu25Apr201919:00Eintritt gegen Spende: 4-10€
Lesung in englischer Sprache, Moderation: Traci Kim
Literally Speaking is Berlin's fiction reading series that features local writers and the authors who inspire their stories. Each month, five writers share their original work, as well as an excerpt from an author of their choice that highlights the month’s theme. The excerpts aim to get everyone in Berlin’s literary community “on the same page.” It’s a way to see what’s catalyzing our local writers and bring us closer together through literature.
Doors open at 7pm
Reading starts at 7:30pm