Code of Conduct of Lettrétage e. V.

We want to create a place where solidarity and open exchange are at the forefront and everyone can have a good time. Together, we want to create a space where everyone feels accepted and respected. That is why we do not tolerate any form of discrimination, harassment or aggression at our events and reserve us the right to exclude people if necessary.

By entering the event venue, you agree to give others their space and not to discriminate or harass others.

If you are harassed or discriminated, notice that another person is being harassed or discriminated, have other concerns or if you think that a visitor is not following the rules of behaviour please speak to our staff at the bar. We treat every complaint confidentially and try to do everything we can to ensure that everyone feels comfortable and safe at the event. It is not the responsibility of the person concerned to educate discriminating people.

At the events, we ask you to make sure that everyone who wishes to speak has the chance to speak and that your speeches do not take up too much space and stay on the topic of the respective event. Please treat all visitors and artists with respect, even if you disagree with them.

What is normal for you is not necessarily normal for everyone else. Words and actions can be hurtful, even if they were not meant “badly”. We recognise that we all are different and have individual perspectives. We try to understand the other person’s point of view and ask you to refrain from generalisations and stereotypes. Please try to use gender-sensitive language.

If certain topics arouse unpleasant feelings for people or have a triggering effect , we will stand by the person together and remind ourselves and you that every person has different experiences and can therefore react differently to sensitive topics or micro-aggressions, for example.

If you would like to take a photo/video of participants and post it, ask for permission. Not everyone wants to be pictured on the internet.

We continuously evaluate the effectiveness of our policy and try to correct any weaknesses. If you have any suggestions, you can contact us at any time – also anonymously via the feedback form.

Thank you very much!
The Lettrétage e. V. team