Roxana Crisólogo, die am 14.02. in der Lettrétage auftritt, und Daniel Malpica, der im Rahmen der CON_TEXT Veranstaltungsreihe im Juni für eine Woche die Lettrétage besetzt, arbeiten an einem Netzwerk/Verlag, der sich vornimmt, die nicht-Finnische Literatur von Finnland zu bewerben – mehr dazu im Beitrag von unserer CROWD Blog Redakteurin Julia Shimura, auf Englisch.
In a globalized world literature and the literary market are yet jetlagged. Slowly publishers and foremost independent networkers, writers and organizers are catching up on a development nobody can call recent anymore. Even big publishing companies that are specializing in the book market recognize the need to transform their portfolio to a broader and more international approach.
But this is still new and untestified ground for the literary world. For literature it can very well be said that it’s inhabited by coteries of increasingly problematic posts – post-colonialism, race, nation, gender, modernism, amongst others – when it goes international. And the hybrid spaces that are created by that carry the weight of weariness from the reader and writer as well. „Sivuvalo – Literaturaktivismus vom feinsten“ weiterlesen