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    in tandem: live literature

    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt frei

    Reading and Performance curated by Maria Leonard

    in tandem: live literature celebrates the polyvocal across sound, meaning and language. It is a series of public experiments that pairs together writers to create in tandem performances that expand what translation can be in live practice.

    Featuring Berlin-based writers and translators, drawing on the notion of multiplicity and attempting to establish an idea of what migratory poetics sounds like in Berlin now, this evening will engage with live aspects of translation.

    This series of experiments and public readings is a way of recording poetic language, practice, and performance that accounts for its contemporary multiplicity.

    An individual writer’s voice may contain multiple voices and influences that surround what is finally shared out loud. What resonates in us is what resonates through others. in tandem: live literature is an accessible public gathering that is open to all which centers what is spoken, listened to, lived and resonated in the live space.

    The live aspect to each reading is an integral way of making sense of the polyvocal nature of the poetry of migration. What is at home and what is un-homely; what is an experience of separation or dislocation; and what is an experience of translation. These readings may exceed what words and their definitions do – language can also be material, as part of an inflection, an in-breath, or a silence.

    Produced by writer Maria Leonard in collaboration with Lettretage.

    Performers: avrina prabala-joslin, Chella Thambi, Yevgenia Belorusets, Duygu Ağal, Çagla Aribal, hn. lyonga and Dasom Yang

    Moderation: Maria Leonard

    Copyright: privat

    Maria Leonard is a writer, researcher and producer. She has written performances for Soho Theatre and Almeida Theatre and is an associate artist at Spike Island. Her poetry has appeared in Modern Queer Poets published by Pilot Press, as well as published by Verve Poetry Press. Maria directs the Invented Futures research platform, and researches and facilitates workshops at Theatre Deli London, The Reading Agency London and more.