
  • Fri
    20:30 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt 15€/10€

    Reading and Performance by Poetic Hafla

    (c) privat

    Poetic Hafla, a variety show with a Mediterranean flare! 10 artists, 1 host & lots of Magic!

    Poetic Hafla is a celebration of Berlin art and culture. It will be a night full of performances from up-and-coming recording artists, spoken word performers, dancers and actors.
    [read more…]

  • Tue
    19:30 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt auf Spendenbasis (Empf.: 15€)

    Reading and Performance by Soul and the City

    (c) Soul and the City

    Soul and the City is thrilled to invite you to a Valentine's Special Edition Event focused on diversity, individuality and the richness of languages and cultures with the purpose of uplifting and empowering individuals and communities, in an overall atmosphere of amazing vibrations, good times, inherent hope and love manifestations through multidisciplinary artists and an array of thought-provoking, engaging artistic displays.

    [read more…]

  • Sun
    20:00 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 20€/16€/9€


    This event has been cancelled!

    Reading and Performance by Brueder Selke (CEEYS)Brandon Kilbourne, Hussina Raja and Tecla; with music by Benjamin Jefferys

    (c) Gurmeet Singh

    Humble – self-aware, contrite, modest, poor, down-to-earth: Humble has many meanings but they all revolve around one central idea – it's the opposite of showy and ostentatious. Showy ostentation however might be the very core of today's culture – whether its influencers showing off their lifestyles, politicians showing off their nuclear arsenals, or industries paying extravagant bonuses while causing massive greenhouse emissions. Humble, it seems, is out of fashion.

    [read more…]

  • Fri
    20:00 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Freier Eintritt

    Reading and Book Launch with Heather Perry, presented by The Reading Berlin

    (c) Belgravia Books

    Based on chilling real events, ORPHEUS BUILDS A GIRL is the story of a brilliant doctor determined his relationship with his true love will persist beyond the grave, and the sister who refuses to let his version of events go unchallenged. It’s a novel of sisterly love and deranged obsession that has been described as “grotesque and strangely beautiful” (Alice Ash) and “a sinister dark flower of a book” (Camila Grudova).

    [read more…]

  • Sat
    19:00 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Freier Eintritt

    Reading with Julia Bosson, Sanders Isaac Bernstein, Paul Scraton and Alexander Wells

    (c) Lotte Altman

    “Who in all the world comes to Berlin voluntarily?” Joseph Roth’s question in THE WANDERING JEW (1927) asks us to consider the routes we take to end up in Berlin. His suggestion that there is something that drives people here is not only true of the refugee Jews from Eastern Europe then, but also characterizes the timeless situation of migrants and expats in Germany’s capital. Today Roth might be best known for his novels of the Habsburg Empire like RADETSKY MARCH (1932) and HOTEL SAVOY (1924). However, it was in Berlin where, chronicling the city’s diversity, with special attention to the marginalized, that he became a feuilletonist.

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  • Tue
    20:00 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 8€ (Abendkasse: 10€)

    Reading and Performance

    CANCELLED! Unfortunately, this event has been cancelled.


    UNVEILING IRAN: VOICES FROM AFAR offers a platform for Iranians, Iranian Germans, and Iran-lovers to get on stage and express their dreams and desires for home.

    The evening will feature live music by Ansan, a group of musicians from Iran, Israel, India, and the US, dedicated to peaceful living through music. Their fusion sound links Persian poetry to modern Western genres like jazz and blues and sets the tone for the culture of mixing and mingling that is Iran’s particular strength. Poets and writers with Iranian roots and those who have something to say about Iran will perform their work in Persian and English, telling stories of beauty, loss, belonging, longing.

    [read more…]

  • Fri
    20:00 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 5€

    Reading and conversation with Jennifer Nansubuga Makumbi

    (c) Joerg Kandziora

    Kirabo grows up at her grandparents' in rural Uganda. Despite the love she experiences, the older she gets, the more questions come to her mind, the answers to which the adults around her seem to know, yet try with all their force to conceal: Where is her mother, whom she has never met? Why did she leave her daughter behind back then and chose a life without her? Clever and headstrong, Kirabo begins to get to the bottom of these questions.

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  • Sat
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 5 €

    Reading with Redfern Jon Barrett

    A glittering metropolis of 24 million people, Berlin is a bustling world of pride parades, polyamorous trysts, and even an official gay language. Its distant radio broadcasts are a lifeline for teenagers William and Gareth, but is there a place for them in the deeply divided city? Meanwhile, young mother Cissie loves Berlin’s towering high rises and chaotic multiculturalism, yet she’s never left her heterosexual district — not until she discovers a walled-off slum of perpetual twilight, home to the city’s forbidden trans residents.

    [read more…]

  • Fri
    19:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt frei

    Book Swap Party by The Reader Berlin, Siena Powers, and Victor Breidenbach

    (c) Victor Breidenbach, Siena Miller

    It is time to let go of the fantasy that you will ever read Thomas Mann’s Der Zauberberg or Alfred Doblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz. They have been judging you from their high shelf for long enough. You are an adult and will never find the time to read them! The time has come to let someone else carry the burden for a while. [read more…]

  • Fri
    19:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, auf Spendenbasis, Empf.: 12€/15€

    Reading and Performance by Soul and the City

    (c) Soul and the City

    Soul and the City are thrilled to invite you to a special event focused on politics out of love and love out of politics – and some deadly kisses in between. Some say “everything is politics”, others say “everything is love”, while the truth lies in between. This special event is bound to raise social and political awareness, while celebrating diversity, individuality, cultures and ethnicities in an overall atmosphere of amazing vibrations, good times, inherent hope and love manifestations through multidisciplinary artists and an array of thought-provoking, engaging artistic displays.

    !!!At SOULandtheCITY we embrace roots, growth, (r)evolution, transformation and human beauty!!!

    [read more…]

  • Sun
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt frei

    Reading and discussion with Lucy Jones and Alexander Wells


    Brigitte Reimann was one of the most important female voices in the GDR. A prolific writer, she wrote a clutch of novels before dying fifty years ago of cancer, aged 39. The English version of her novel "Die Geschwister", has been published by Penguin Classics and Transit Books as Siblings, translated by Lucy Jones.[read more…]

  • Wed
    10–18via Zoom oder Telefon

    Beratungstag mit Marwa Younes Almokbel 

    (English version below)

    Alle auf Arabisch schreibende Autor:innen sind herzlich zu Marwa Younes Almokbels vertieften Einzelberatungen zu den Arbeitsstipendien eingeladen. Sie können dabei Fragen über Antragsstellung klären, die Bewerbungsunterlagen genauer prüfen und Ihr Exposé begutachten lassen. Die Beratung findet am 10. Mai via Zoom statt.

    Marwa Younes Almokbel arbeitet seit 2016 in Berlin als Grafikerin, Malerin und Performance-Künstlerin. Sie berät und begleitet transnationale Künstler*innen und Kulturschaffende aus dem arabischen Sprachraum auf Ihrem Weg in die Berliner Praxis mit den Themen: KSK, Stipendien.


    All authors writing in Arabic are cordially invited to Marwa Younes Almokbel's in-depth individual consultations on work stipends. You can ask questions about the application process, check the application documents and have your synopsis reviewed. The consultation will take place on May 10 via Zoom.

    Marwa Younes Almokbel has been working in Berlin as a graphic designer, painter and performance artist since 2016. She advises and accompanies transnational artists and cultural workers from the Arabic-speaking world on their way into Berlin practice with the topics: KSK, scholarships.

  • Fri
    10–18via Zoom oder Telefon

    Beratungstag mit Kseniya Fuchs

    (English version below)

    Kseniya Fuchs bietet am 12. Mai via Zoom vertiefte Einzelberatungen zu den Arbeitsstipendien für alle auf Ukrainisch schreibende Autor:innen. Sie können dabei gleich Fragen zur Antragsstellung klären, die Bewerbungsunterlagen genauer prüfen und Ihr Exposé begutachten lassen.

    Kseniya Fuchs ist eine ukrainische Schriftstellerin und Künstlerin, gesellschaftliche Aktivistin, Chefredakteurin und Mitbegründerin der ukrainisch-deutschen Zeitschrift „Gel[: b]lau“, Vorsitzende und Mitbegründerin von „Ukrainisches Atelier für Kultur und Sport e.V.“ in Stuttgart.


    On May 12, Kseniya Fuchs will offer detailed one-on-one consultations on work stipends via Zoom for all authors writing in Ukrainian. You can ask questions about the application process, check the application documents and have your synopsis reviewed.

    Kseniya Fuchs is a Ukrainian writer and artist, social activist, editor-in-chief and co-founder of the Ukrainian-German magazine "Gel[: b]lau", chairwoman and co-founder of the "Ukrainian Studio for Culture and Sport e.V." in Stuttgart.

  • Mon
    10–18via Zoom oder Telefon

    Beratungstag mit Odile Kennel

    (English version below)

    Alle, die schon als Übersetzer:in oder Autor:in arbeiten, unterstützt Odile Kennel am 15. Mai in digitalen Einzelberatungen bei der Suche nach passenden Stipendien und bietet fachkundige Informationen zu Netzwerken.

    Odile Kennel ist mehrfach preisgekrönte Übersetzerin, Jurymitglied und Mitfrau des Verbands deutscher Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller, des Verbands deutschsprachiger Übersetzer:innen, der Autorinnenvereinigung e.V. und dem Netzwerk freie Literaturszene Berlin e.V.


    On May 15, Odile Kennel will support all those who are already working as translators or authors in their search for suitable stipends and offer expert information on networking.

    Odile Kennel is a multi-award-winning translator, jury member and co-founder of the Association of German Writers, the Association of German-Speaking Translators, the Association of Women Writers and the Network of the Free Literary Scene Berlin.

  • Mon
    10–18via Zoom oder Telefon

    Beratungstag mit Jonathan Nieraad

    (English version below)

    Alle auf Hebräisch schreibende Autor:innen sind herzlich zu Jonathan Nieraads vertieften Einzelberatungen zu den Arbeitsstipendien eingeladen. Sie können dabei Fragen über Antragsstellung klären, die Bewerbungsunterlagen genauer prüfen und Ihr Exposé begutachten lassen. Die Beratung findet am 15. Mai via Zoom statt.

    Jonathan Nieraad arbeitet seit 1998 als freischaffender Übersetzer und Lektor für Übersetzungen aus dem Deutschen ins Hebräische. Seine Beratungsschwerpunkte sind Arbeitsstipendien und Preisausschreibungen für freischaffende ausländische Autor:innen und Übersetzer:innen, deren Muttersprache Hebräisch oder Englisch ist.


    All authors writing in Hebrew are cordially invited to Jonathan Nieraad's in-depth individual consultations on work stipends. You can ask questions about the application process, check your application documents and have your synopsis reviewed. The consultation will take place on May 15 via Zoom.

    Jonathan Nieraad has been working as a freelance translator and editor for translations from German into Hebrew since 1998. His consultancy focuses on work stipends and prize competitions for freelance foreign authors and translators whose native language is Hebrew or English.


  • Thu
    19:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: frei

    Christopher Kloeble in conversation with Liska Jacobs

    (c) Unsplash Stock photo by JK

    Bartholomew is an orphan from Bombay. He’s twelve years old and speaks almost as many languages. That is why, in the year 1854, he is hired as a translator by the brothers Schlagintweit from Germany who, with the support of Alexander von Humboldt and the East India Company, embark upon the greatest expedition of their time, which takes them across India and the Himalayas. But Bartholomew is also pursuing his own agenda: he wants to establish the first museum of his remarkable, complex native land. And for this, he is willing to risk everything – even his life.

    [read more…]

  • Mon
    10–18persönlich in der Kolonnenstraße 26, 10829 Berlin

    Beratungstag mit Katy Derbyshire

    (English version below)

    Katy Derbyshire bietet am 22. Mai vertiefte Einzelberatungen zu den Arbeitsstipendien für alle auf Englisch schreibende Autor:innen. Unser Beraterin wird Fragen über Antragsstellung klären, die Bewerbungsunterlagen genauer prüfen und Ihr Exposé begutachten.

    Katy Derbyshire lebt seit über zwanzig Jahren in Berlin und übersetzt seit zehn Jahren deutschsprachige Gegenwartsliteratur ins Englische. 2018 erhielt Sie den Straelener Übersetzerpreis der Kunststiftung NRW. Außerdem leitet sie das englischsprachige Imprint V&Q Books und präsentiert, moderiert und kuratiert die Veranstaltungsreihe „Dead Ladies Show“ mit.


    Katy Derbyshire will be offering in-depth one-to-one consultations on work stipends for all authors writing in English on May 22. Our advisor will clarify questions about applying, examine the application documents in more detail and review your synopsis.

    Katy Derbyshire has lived in Berlin for over twenty years and has been translating contemporary German literature into English for ten years. In 2018, she received the Straelen Translation Prize from the Kunststiftung NRW. She also runs the English-language imprint V&Q Books and co-presents, hosts and curates the event series Dead Ladies Show.


  • Thu
    10–18persönlich in der Kolonnenstraße 26, 10829 Berlin

    Beratungstag mit Timo Berger

    (English version below)

    Der Autor, Veranstalter, Journalist und Übersetzer Timo Berger bietet am 25 Mai für alle auf Spanisch und Portugiesisch schreibende Autor:innen vertiefte Einzelberatungen zu den Arbeitsstipendien an. Sie können dabei Fragen über Antragsstellung stellen, die Bewerbungsunterlagen genauer prüfen und Ihr Exposé begutachten lassen.

    Timo Berger ist Mitgründer der Latinale, dem lateinamerikanischen Poesiefestival und Mitorganisator der Lesereihe ex/salón und Projektleiter zahlreicher literarischer Projekte. Seit 2016 ist er im Bündnis Freie Szene Berlin e.V. aktiv. Seine Texte und Werke erschienen in zahlreichen Zeitschriften, Anthologien und Chapbooks und gibt Kurse zum kreativen Schreiben und literarischen Übersetzen in Deutschland und Lateinamerika.


    The author, organiser, journalist and translator Timo Berger is offering on May 25 in-depth individual consultations on work stipends for all authors writing in Spanish and Portuguese. You can ask questions about the application process, have your application documents checked in more detail and have your synopsis reviewed.

    Timo Berger is co-founder of Latinale, the Latin American poetry festival and co-organiser of the reading series ex/salón and project manager of numerous literary projects. He has been active in the Bündnis Freie Szene Berlin e.V. since 2016. His texts and works have appeared in numerous magazines, anthologies and chapbooks and he gives courses on creative writing and literary translation in Germany and Latin America.

  • Sat
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 20,-/10,-/5,-

    Reading in two languages: Ukrainian and English

    (c) Elena Lazutkina

    🇬🇧 Evening of beautiful contemporary Ukrainian poetry in two languages: Ukrainian and English. You will hear the best poems from special guests and actors. Perfect event for better understanding of Ukrainian culture.

    [read more…]

  • Wed
    19:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: frei

    Reading and discussion with Julia Armfield, Lizzy Yarwood and Mikaella Clements

    (c) Sophie Davidson

    "Part bruisingly tender love story, part nerve-clanging submarine thriller" (The Times), OUR WIVES UNDER THE SEA is Julia Armfield's chilling and tragic debut novel.

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  • Thu
    19:00Eintritt: 8,-/5,-

    Presentation and conversation

    (c) Arkadien Verlag

    Jessie Kerspe explores how the visualization of nostalgic ideas and the interaction of text and images emerged in Chagall's work. Taking the three books illustrated by Chagall as a trilogy, one can represent the artist's triple identity as French, Jewish, and Russian. At the same time, Chagall's engagement with contemporary nostalgic discussion can be opened up.

    [read more…]

  • Fri
    19:30Eintritt auf Spendenbasis, Empf.: 12,-/15,-

    Reading and Performance by Soul and the City

    (c) Soul and the City

    Soul and the City are thrilled to continue with their LOVE, SWEAT AND LAUGHTER series of events, which allow an outlet to different types of arts to manifest, intertwine and grow together with the purpose of creating a culturally diverse tapestry of thought-provoking expressions, up-close emotions and in-depth gestures, leaving positive imprints of social engagement and political awareness. Some of Berlin's coolest artists will gather together to present their witty performances in an enjoyable, friendly and slammin' atmosphere refilled with love, sweat and laughter, the right impetus for the entire night.

    [read more…]

  • Tue
    19:30Eintritt: frei

    The Reading #8 with Jennifer Neal: Berlin Launch of her new novel

    (c) Penguin Randomhouse

    Gabrielle has always had a complicated relationship with her mother Tallulah, one marked by intimacy and resilience in the face of a volatile patriarch. Everything in their home has been bleached a cold white—from the cupboards filled with sheets and crockery to the food and spices Tallulah cooks with. Even Gabrielle, who inherited the ability to change the color of her skin from her mother, is told to pass into white if she doesn’t want to upset her father.

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  • Fri
    20:00Eintritt: frei

    PART 1: The Neighborhood

    (c) Paul Brody

    Paul Brody’s sound installation lands somewhere between a recorded concert and a poetry reading, what he calls “musical translations” of poems and short prose pieces. Underpinning the words are compositions based on samples from symphonies and instruments taped live in a studio, creating a series of playfully eclectic mini-musical-poetic adventures.

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  • Sat
    20:00Eintritt: 6,-

    A documentary by Adar Bozbağ

    (c) Adar Bozbay

    Unfortunately Aslı Erdoğan won't be able to take part in the event as planned. Instead the documentary "Incomplete Sentences" by Adar Bozbağ will be shown this evening.

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  • Fri
    21:00Eintritt: 10,-

    Reading by Poetic Hafla

    Poetic Hafla, a variety show with a Mediterranean flair! 10 artists, 1 host, lots of magic. It is a celebration of Berlin art and culture. It will be a night full of performances from up-and-coming recording artists, spoken word performers, dancers and actors.

    [read more…]

  • Mon
    19:30Eintritt: frei

    The Reading #9 with Victoria Gosling: Berlin Launch of her new novel

    On Monday August 28th, The Reader Berlin and Lettretage host the Berlin launch of Bliss & Blunder, Victoria Gosling’s scandalous retelling of the Arthurian legend for the twenty-first century.[read more…]

  • Thu
    20:00Eintritt: frei

    Sound installation artist and composer, Paul Brody, creates live compositions in dialogue with the voices of recorded poets.

    (c) Paul Brody

    The music is created from samples of orchestral sounds, prepared piano, environmental noise, percussion derived from toys and kitchen utensils, and more. The selected poets are Marica Bodrožić, Orsolya Kalász, Uljana Wolf, Tom Bresemann, Dmitri Strozew, Marina Frenk.

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  • Thu
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: frei

    Reading  and Book launch with Megan Fernandes and Edgar Kunz; moderation: Tracy Fuad

    (c) Beth Steidle; Rawpixel/cristty

    Megan Fernandes and special guest Edgar Kunz join Tracy Fuad of the Berlin Writers’ Workshop to celebrate the launch of Fernandes’s third poetry collection I DO EVERYTHING I’M TOLD. It explores disobedience and worship, longing and possessiveness, and nights of wandering cities.

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  • Fri
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: frei

    A Book release, lecture-performance  and text-based art exhibition with Artemis Chrysostomidou

    (c) Artemis Chrysostomidou

    Poetry, text-based art, worlds full of contradictions, women, mistakes and forgiveness. OH, THAT HAND OF YOURS was written trying not to injure the present. [read more…]

  • Sat
    19:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: frei

    An evening of readings with Sanders Isaac Bernstein

    (c) The Reader Berlin

    The Reader is beginning another fall of workshops and writing! Join The Reader Berlin's community to hear what everyone's been working on this past year- and to start off the next.[read more…]

  • Sat
    19:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt auf Spendenbasis

    Queer Poetry with Elena Lazutkina

    (c) Elena Lazutkina

    In september Lettrétage will host an evening of Queer poetry in two languages: English and Ukrainian. Profi actors will read the best of classic and contemporary queer poetry, selected by book producer Lazutkina Olena. The event will take place on 23rd of September in Berlin, but we are searching for queer poetry all over Europe!

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  • Fri
    21:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 12,-

    Reading by Poetic Hafla

    Poetic Hafla, a variety show with a Mediterranean flair! 10 artists, 1 host, lots of magic. It is a celebration of Berlin art and culture. It will be a night full of performances from up-and-coming recording artists, spoken word performers, dancers and actors.

    [read more…]

  • Wed
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 5,-

    Sand 26 Launch Party. Featuring Déborah-Loïs Séry, Lukas Kofoed Reimann, Max Steiner, Bachittar Singh and Frances Margaret Rebollido.

    (c) Sand Magazine

    The poetry, prose and art of SAND 26 linger in the in-between, unable to pick a reality, or unwilling to face what the new reality might be. Or perhaps choosing to reject reality altogether in favour of alternative worlds.

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  • Fri
    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 5,-

    Concert featuring the voices of Ellen Hinsey, Katherina Oguntoye, Carolyn Gammon,  Mariam Rasheed, Isaac Goodman.

    (c) Paul Brody

    Composer and sound artist Paul Brody will perform his third set of musical compositions inspired by the voices of poets he recorded. The poets in this round will share their sense of belonging and exclusion. Poet, community builder and activist Katherina Oguntoye, for example, tells about growing up Afro-German in Zwickau, while the young queer poet Isaac Goodman satirically recounts how they discussed femininity with their doctor.

    [read more…]

  • Mon
    19:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: frei

    Book Launch with Alix Christie, Donovan Dennis and Joachim Zepelin

    (c) The Reader Berlin

    The Reader Berlin presents the Berlin book launch of THE SHINING MOUNTAINS with author Alix Christie in conversation with writer, publisher and journalist Joachim Zepelin. The evening will be accompanied by short fiction from Donovan Dennis.

    [read more…]