
Seit 2006 finden in der Lettrétage ca. 120 öffentliche Literaturveranstaltungen jährlich statt – Lesungen, Workshops, Diskussionsrunden, literarische Performances und Formate dazwischen. Bekannte und unbekannte Autor*innen und Künstler*innen verschiedener Sprachen und Nationalitäten sind hier schon aufgetreten.

Seit 2013 liegt der Programmfokus u.a. auf neuen Wegen der literarischen Präsentation und Live-Produktion: Dazu zählen u.a. die internationalen bzw. transnationalen Literaturfestivals „Soundout!“, „¿Comment!“, „Berlinisi“ und „Syn_Energy“, aber auch das viel beachtete Netzwerkprojekt „CROWD“ und multimediale Projekte wie die Reihe „CON_TEXT“ oder das „Poetry Audio Lab“. Eine vollständige Liste der Lettrétage-Projekte finden Sie hier.

Als Ankerinstitution für die freie Literaturszene Berlins stellt die Lettrétage außerdem ihre Räume für Literaturveranstaltungen aller Art zur Verfügung. Zahlreiche freie Veranstalter*innen nutzen unsere Infrastruktur regelmäßig – für Literatur-Workshops, Lesereihen in verschiedenen Sprachen und Buchpräsentationen. Mehr zu den Möglichkeiten der kostenlosen Raumnutzung erfahren Sie hier.

Auf dieser Seite präsentieren wir einen nicht vollständigen Einblick in unser vergangenes Programm.


Termin Informationen:

  • Fr.

    LIVE: Paul Brody’s Electro & Poetry & Trumpet

    20:00 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission: free

    Reading and Concert by Paul Brody

    (c) privat

    SPRACHMELODIEKLANGFARBENMELODIE: Part 4 of Paul Brody’s live electronics & poetry concert will feature the voices of poets that Brody recorded in the past year. Each concert explored different ways of combining poetry and music, always with the idea of creating what Brody calls musical translations of poems.

    Two of the writers, Uljana Wolf and Christian Hawkey, were already working with poetry via homophonic translation, or when a poem is translated from the sound of the phrases rather than the meaning of the words. Brody’s compositions and improvisations extend homophonic translation in that he draws inspiration from both the sonic element of the poems well as the expression of the poet’s own voice.

    Note: Come early. Stay late!The previous concerts have been full, and the audience has enjoyed an after-show party with ambient music based on the voices of the poets. Vowels expand into long tonal passages, consonants cut into grooves, and syllables are flushed with tonal colors.

    Copyright: Paul Brody

    Paul Brody was born in California, USA, and trained as a musician at the New England Conservatory of Music in Boston. Brody works regularly as a sound artist, composer and trumpeter at the Théâtre de Vidy in Lausanne, the Münchner Kammerspiele, the Berliner Schaubühne, the MC93 Paris, the New York Harlem Opera and the Vienna Burgtheater, among others. He works closely with the music producer John Zorn. His album HINTER ALLEN WORTEN, which features artists such as Clueso, Meret Becker and Jelena Kulijic, was on the best list of the German Record Critics' Award. Paul Brody was nominated for the Europe Broadcasting Festival and the Vienna International Feature Festival for his work as a sound artist. His sound art works have already been heard on WDR, Deutschlandradio, the Jewish Museum Berlin, the MuseumsQuartier Vienna and at Transmediale Berlin. He is currently writing an opera for the Opéra National de Lorraine in Nancy. He works closely with the theater directors David Marton and Hans-Werner Kroesinger.

Workshops & Infoabende

Termin Informationen:

  • Sa.

    Use Your Voice: A Creative Writing Workshop For Women

    10:00 - 17:00Beitrag: 150€

    Workshop mit Madhvi Ramani und Mary Kelly

    Led by Madhvi Ramani, writer and editor (New York times, Penguin Random House), and Mary Kelly, playwright and actor (Nick Hern Books, Stinging-Fly Press).

    This is not a traditional creative writing workshop. You will use theatre and original writing techniques to connect your physical voice with your voice on the page. You will move, you will write, you will explore and expand your individual voice. For women who want to start to write, continue to write, or want to surprise themselves.

    Mary and Madhvi have twenty years combined creative coaching experience. Drawing from Madhvi’s background in creative facilitation (BBC) and Mary’s as an acting coach (The Opera Stage, Berlin and The Gaiety School of Acting, Dublin), they have developed a unique approach to creative writing for women.

    Note: This workshop is only open to women, trans and non-binary people. Places are limited to 10. Snacks and drinks will be provided.

    Book a place via Eventbrite or email us for more information and payment options: