
Seit 2006 finden in der Lettrétage ca. 120 öffentliche Literaturveranstaltungen jährlich statt – Lesungen, Workshops, Diskussionsrunden, literarische Performances und Formate dazwischen. Bekannte und unbekannte Autor*innen und Künstler*innen verschiedener Sprachen und Nationalitäten sind hier schon aufgetreten.

Seit 2013 liegt der Programmfokus u.a. auf neuen Wegen der literarischen Präsentation und Live-Produktion: Dazu zählen u.a. die internationalen bzw. transnationalen Literaturfestivals „Soundout!“, „¿Comment!“, „Berlinisi“ und „Syn_Energy“, aber auch das viel beachtete Netzwerkprojekt „CROWD“ und multimediale Projekte wie die Reihe „CON_TEXT“ oder das „Poetry Audio Lab“. Eine vollständige Liste der Lettrétage-Projekte finden Sie hier.

Als Ankerinstitution für die freie Literaturszene Berlins stellt die Lettrétage außerdem ihre Räume für Literaturveranstaltungen aller Art zur Verfügung. Zahlreiche freie Veranstalter*innen nutzen unsere Infrastruktur regelmäßig – für Literatur-Workshops, Lesereihen in verschiedenen Sprachen und Buchpräsentationen. Mehr zu den Möglichkeiten der kostenlosen Raumnutzung erfahren Sie hier.

Auf dieser Seite präsentieren wir einen nicht vollständigen Einblick in unser vergangenes Programm.


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  • Mi.

    SAND 26 Launch: Shifting

    20:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt: 5,-

    Sand 26 Launch Party. Featuring Déborah-Loïs Séry, Lukas Kofoed Reimann, Max Steiner, Bachittar Singh and Frances Margaret Rebollido.

    (c) Sand Magazine

    The poetry, prose and art of SAND 26 linger in the in-between, unable to pick a reality, or unwilling to face what the new reality might be. Or perhaps choosing to reject reality altogether in favour of alternative worlds.

    Join SAND to celebrate the launch SAND 26 – their “shifting” issue. The night will feature readings and talks from Berlin-based writers and artists from the issue, as well as the team behind the journal, including a dive into the process of making SAND 26 with graphic designer Déborah-Loïs Séry. Stick around afterwards for drinks and celebrating!

    Based in Berlin, SAND is a non-profit literary and art journal published twice a year by a team from the city's international community. Featuring work by writers, translators, and artists from around the world, SAND seeks out fresh and underrepresented perspectives.

    SAND 26 will be available to purchase on the night alongside a range of previous issues. This event will be held in English.

    (c) Lukas Kofoed Reimann

    Lukas Kofoed Reimann is a writer, scholar, and editor who lives in Berlin. His writing is often concerned with questions of identity and belonging and explores his experiences of transition and chronic pain in particular. He is a passionate reader of all kinds of trans* literature and continually hopes to empower others to tell their stories. In 2022 his text UNDIAGNOSED was selected as one of the runners up for the Berlin Writing Prize. Lately his work has appeared in Danish in Trappe Tusind and in English in Overcom Magazine.

    (c) Max Steiner

    Max Steiner lives and writes in Berlin. He got his bachelor degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Washington and now teaches kids English. More of his work is up on Rejection Letters.

    (c) Battichar Singh

    Bachittar Singh is a professional printmaker, specialist printmaking technician and instructor. His print-making practice involves creating compositions which let him tell stories, through expressive mark-making and tones to communicate texture and light on surfaces. Creating a series of prints further explores the idea of a narrative driving the direction of the story, a visual code tied together through repetition. Much like his drawings, Singh incorporates found objects, fabrics, materials, and natural elements into the etching process.

    (c) Frances Margaret Rebollido

    Frances Margaret Rebollido is a transmasc nonbinary writer from the Philippines. They express mostly through stream-of-consciousness prose and poetry. After a gap decade of traveling around Eurasia and working odd jobs remotely, they are returning to academia to obtain their BS in Physics. They live and travel with their cat named Crispy Noodles aka Pino.

    The elevator in the building is currently not operational. We apologize for this issue, as it restricts access to some extent.

Workshops & Infoabende

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  • Sa.

    Telling Tales: The Art of Creating Stories

    10:30 - 16:30Beitrag: 150€

    Workshop mit Roy MacLean

    Stories can entrance, engage, even possess us. Every one of us has a story to tell; factual or fictional, cool documentary or heartfelt family journey, practical travelogue or sparkling flight of the imagination. But to become an accomplished storyteller one needs time, a conducive environment, and a sensitive guide to direct and refine individual talent.

    In June best-selling author Rory MacLean will lead an exclusive, two-day creative non-fiction writing workshop in Berlin. Participants will be guided and supported on their creative journey. Both amateur and professional writers are invited to join. No experience is necessary. The only requirement is the passion to tell a story.

    The course will include morning talks on the craft of narration and introductory workshops on gathering material, note-taking, voice and structure. Rory will underline the importance of writing from the heart, using honesty and personal experience to fill one’s creative work with feeling and excitement. Afternoons will be dedicated to exercises and, if possible, one-to-one discussions or project pitches, helping to draw out individual skills. Together Rory and the participants will unpick the transformation of our ordinary encounters, epic journeys, family histories and imaginative quests into prose. Whether you aspire to writing journalism, a blog, memoir, personal essay or documentary, take this rare opportunity to work with one of the Reader’s favourite writers and most popular tutors.

    Rory MacLean is the author of more than a dozen books including the UK top tens "Stalin’s Nose" and "Under the Dragon" as well as "Berlin: Imagine a City", a book of the year and ‘the most extraordinary work of history I’ve ever read’ according to the Washington Post. His works – wrote the late John Fowles – are among those that ‘marvellously explain why literature still lives’. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, he divides his time between the UK, Canada and Berlin.

    To sign up please email All of the info is available here.