
Seit 2006 finden in der Lettrétage ca. 120 öffentliche Literaturveranstaltungen jährlich statt – Lesungen, Workshops, Diskussionsrunden, literarische Performances und Formate dazwischen. Bekannte und unbekannte Autor*innen und Künstler*innen verschiedener Sprachen und Nationalitäten sind hier schon aufgetreten.

Seit 2013 liegt der Programmfokus u.a. auf neuen Wegen der literarischen Präsentation und Live-Produktion: Dazu zählen u.a. die internationalen bzw. transnationalen Literaturfestivals „Soundout!“, „¿Comment!“, „Berlinisi“ und „Syn_Energy“, aber auch das viel beachtete Netzwerkprojekt „CROWD“ und multimediale Projekte wie die Reihe „CON_TEXT“ oder das „Poetry Audio Lab“. Eine vollständige Liste der Lettrétage-Projekte finden Sie hier.

Als Ankerinstitution für die freie Literaturszene Berlins stellt die Lettrétage außerdem ihre Räume für Literaturveranstaltungen aller Art zur Verfügung. Zahlreiche freie Veranstalter*innen nutzen unsere Infrastruktur regelmäßig – für Literatur-Workshops, Lesereihen in verschiedenen Sprachen und Buchpräsentationen. Mehr zu den Möglichkeiten der kostenlosen Raumnutzung erfahren Sie hier.

Auf dieser Seite präsentieren wir einen nicht vollständigen Einblick in unser vergangenes Programm.


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    The Big Berlin – Berlin's Finest Artists and Arts

    19:30 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt auf Spendenbasis, Empf.: 12€

    Reading and Performance by Soul and the City

    … and the Award goes to:

    Best Artist in SpokenWord/Storytelling Category
    Best Artist in Music Category
    Best Artist in Dance Category
    Best Artist in Comedy Category
    Best Artist in Visual Arts Category

    (Prize for each category: cash money)


    Coolest Fan of the Year

    (Prize: free entry to 10 SaC events)

    …. because everyone deserves their own Oscars’ Night!

    Soul and the City is thrilled to invite you to a unique event, gathering the best artists who have performed throughout the year or contributed to their artistic, cultural and educational projects. Soul and the City wants to celebrate and express their gratitude to both their artists and to the community for the work, creativity, dedication and continuous support. While the main theme for this event is YOU, the amazing artists will have 3 minutes each to enwrap the audience and entice it in their unique performances.

    This special event is bound to raise social awareness, while uplifting and empowering individuals and communities, celebrating diversity, individuality, cultures and ethnicities in an overall atmosphere of amazing vibrations, good times, inherent hope and love manifestations through multidisciplinary artists and an array of thought-provoking, engaging artistic displays.

    Please reserve your seat in advance at

    Live Acts: Rap Poetry, Story Poetry, Music, Spoken Word Storytelling Comedy Dance, Visual Arts

    MC: Soar Marongiu

    Cultures represented (a.o.): Greece, Australia, Sweden, Slovenia, South Africa, France, UK, Spain, Italy, US, Poland, Germany, Romania, Egypt, Iran, Moldavia, Bulgaria, Pakistan, India, The Caribbean, Brazil.

    This is a multi-gender, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural event meant to bring joy and good times. No sexist, racist, bigoted, discriminatory, xenophobic or homophobic language will be tolerated.

    Soul and the City is an international undertaking, encompassing different artistic, educational and entertaining projects meant to explore, stimulate and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.

Workshops & Infoabende

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    Here & Elsewhere: Place Writing

    10:30Registration Fee: 125€

    Workshop with Paul Scraton and Marcel Krueger

    © Joseph Carr

    Whether you are writing essays, blogs, a journal of your travels or the story that will become a novel, creating a strong sense of place is crucial. Suitable for anyone interested in turning the sights, sounds and soul of place into engaging prose, this workshop will explore place writing in all its facets and why through the wide world of literature, location matters.

    Over two days, participants will discover key works of place writing and learn about the different techniques to be found within this broad genre, including journalism, memoir and creative non-fiction accounts. Through a series of readings and exercises (which will include a ramble through the neighbourhood), participants will try a variety of fresh and creative approaches to writing about place and will work on a draft of a short piece of place writing - fiction or non-fiction - to be considered for publication on the Elsewhere: A Journal of Place blog.

    © Katrin Schönig
    Paul Scraton is a British-born writer and editor, based in Berlin. He is the editor in chief of Elsewhere: A Journal of Place and the author of a number of creative non-fiction books. Built on Sand, a collection of stories from Berlin, is his debut work of fiction and will be published by Influx Press in 2019.

    © John Farrell
    Marcel Krueger is a German writer and translator living in Ireland. For Berlin – A Literary Guide for Travellers he has provided new translations.  His articles and essays have been published in The Guardian, the Irish Times, Slow Travel Berlin and CNN Travel and he also works as the Books Editor of Elsewhere:  A Journal of Place. His latest book Babushka's Journey - The Dark Road to Stalin's Wartime Camp explores the wartime experiences of his grandmother Cilly through a travel memoir.