Seit 2006 finden in der Lettrétage ca. 120 öffentliche Literaturveranstaltungen jährlich statt – Lesungen, Workshops, Diskussionsrunden, literarische Performances und Formate dazwischen. Bekannte und unbekannte Autor*innen und Künstler*innen verschiedener Sprachen und Nationalitäten sind hier schon aufgetreten.
Seit 2013 liegt der Programmfokus u.a. auf neuen Wegen der literarischen Präsentation und Live-Produktion: Dazu zählen u.a. die internationalen bzw. transnationalen Literaturfestivals „Soundout!“, „¿Comment!“, „Berlinisi“ und „Syn_Energy“, aber auch das viel beachtete Netzwerkprojekt „CROWD“ und multimediale Projekte wie die Reihe „CON_TEXT“ oder das „Poetry Audio Lab“. Eine vollständige Liste der Lettrétage-Projekte finden Sie hier.
Als Ankerinstitution für die freie Literaturszene Berlins stellt die Lettrétage außerdem ihre Räume für Literaturveranstaltungen aller Art zur Verfügung. Zahlreiche freie Veranstalter*innen nutzen unsere Infrastruktur regelmäßig – für Literatur-Workshops, Lesereihen in verschiedenen Sprachen und Buchpräsentationen. Mehr zu den Möglichkeiten der kostenlosen Raumnutzung erfahren Sie hier.
Auf dieser Seite präsentieren wir einen nicht vollständigen Einblick in unser vergangenes Programm.
Termin Informationen:
Sa.23Apr.202219:30Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt auf Spendenbasis
Reading and Performance by Soul and the City
Mission Statement:
We are thrilled to continue with our "Love, Sweat and Laughter" series of events, which allow an outlet to different types of arts to manifest, intertwine and grow together with the purpose of creating a culturally diverse tapestry of thought-provoking expressions, up-close emotions and in-depth gestures, leaving positive imprints of social engagement and political awareness.
Some of Berlin's coolest artists will gather together to present their witty performances in an enjoyable, friendly and slammin' atmosphere refilled with love, sweat and laughter, the right impetus for the entire night. Join us in this incredible event, share in the passion and help us perpetuate hope!
Live Acts:
Rap Poetry
Story Poetry
Spoken Word
DancePerforming artists from:
...and more.This is a multi-gender, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural event meant to bring joy and good times. No sexist, racist, bigoted, discriminatory, xenophobic or homophobic language will be tolerated.
Doors open at 7:00 pm
Entry Donation: 12 Euros (at the door)
Seating: reservation at Tickets can be transferable.
Corona restrictions: vaccine, antibodies certificate (2G).
Limited seating. Please reserve in advance to assure your seat.
An initiative by (c)Soul-and-the-city.
Curated by: Soul-and-the-City,
Hosted by: Lettrétage
Soul and the city is an international undertaking, encompassing different artistic, educational and entertaining projects meant to explore, stimulate and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.
This is a non-profit project that relies substantially on donations. Any support and donations are welcome via PayPal: or via our Contact page. Thank you!
Workshops & Infoabende
Termin Informationen:
Sa.08Juni2019So.09Juni201910:30 - 16:30Beitrag: 150€
Telling Tales: The Art of Creating Stories
Workshop mit Roy MacLean
Stories can entrance, engage, even possess us. Every one of us has a story to tell; factual or fictional, cool documentary or heartfelt family journey, practical travelogue or sparkling flight of the imagination. But to become an accomplished storyteller one needs time, a conducive environment, and a sensitive guide to direct and refine individual talent.
In June best-selling author Rory MacLean will lead an exclusive, two-day creative non-fiction writing workshop in Berlin. Participants will be guided and supported on their creative journey. Both amateur and professional writers are invited to join. No experience is necessary. The only requirement is the passion to tell a story.
The course will include morning talks on the craft of narration and introductory workshops on gathering material, note-taking, voice and structure. Rory will underline the importance of writing from the heart, using honesty and personal experience to fill one’s creative work with feeling and excitement. Afternoons will be dedicated to exercises and, if possible, one-to-one discussions or project pitches, helping to draw out individual skills. Together Rory and the participants will unpick the transformation of our ordinary encounters, epic journeys, family histories and imaginative quests into prose. Whether you aspire to writing journalism, a blog, memoir, personal essay or documentary, take this rare opportunity to work with one of the Reader’s favourite writers and most popular tutors.
Rory MacLean is the author of more than a dozen books including the UK top tens "Stalin’s Nose" and "Under the Dragon" as well as "Berlin: Imagine a City", a book of the year and ‘the most extraordinary work of history I’ve ever read’ according to the Washington Post. His works – wrote the late John Fowles – are among those that ‘marvellously explain why literature still lives’. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature, he divides his time between the UK, Canada and Berlin.
To sign up please email All of the info is available here.