Termin Informationen:
So.25Sep.202219:30 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, auf Spendenbasis, Empf.: 12€
Love, Sweat and Laughter – Autumn Edition
Reading and Performance by Soul and the City
Soul and the City is thrilled to continue with our LOVE, SWEAT AND LAUGHTER series of events, which allow an outlet of different types of arts to manifest, intertwine and grow together with the purpose of creating a culturally diverse tapestry of thought-provoking expressions, up-close emotions, and in-depth gestures, leaving positive imprints of social engagement and political awareness.
Some of Berlin’s coolest artists will gather together to present their witty performances in an enjoyable, friendly and slammin’ atmosphere refilled with love, sweat and laughter, the right impetus for the entire night. Join us in this incredible event, share in the passion and help us perpetuate hope.
Live Acts: Rap Poetry, Story Poetry, Spoken Word, Acoustic Stes, Comedy Acts, Storytelling, Dance, Visual Arts
MC: Soar Marongiu
Cultures represented (a.o.): Denmark, Ukraine, Italy, South Africa, France, UK, Spain, USA, Poland, India, Germany, Romania.
Please reserve your seat in advance at soulandthecity@soaring-words.com.
This is a multi-gender, multi-ethnic and multi-cultural event meant to bring joy and good times. No sexist, racist, bigoted, discriminatory, xenophobic, or homophobic language will be tolerated.
Copyright: Soul and the City Soul and the city is an international undertaking, encompassing different artistic, educational and entertaining projects meant to explore, stimulate and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.