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    Poetic Hafla: Neue Nachbarschaft im Kiez


    Digitale Lesebühne im Rahmen des Lesefestivals "Sag, Auguste!"

    Poetic hafla, is a celebration of Berlin art and culture straight out of middle east Kreuzberg. Enjoy a night full of exceptional performances from up and coming recording artists, spoken word artists, dancers and actors.

    The concept of Poetic hafla (arab. for party) was first initiated in 2015 by the two Mizrahi-Israeli artists Mati Shemoelof and Barack Moyal. Since then, their regular events have become a platform for middle eastern creative minds based in Berlin. The format somewhere between performance and party,  each event has its unique character according to whoever is presenting themselves and their work.

    Online-Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Festivals "Sag, Auguste".

    Alle Lesungen werden über Zoom stattfinden. Die entsprechenden Links erscheinen kurz vor dem Event unter diesem Link.