On Friday, June 4th, schreiben & leben is offering a free Multilingual Advisement Day, covering all questions concerning your application for the Research stipend for literature in non-German language granted by the Berlin Senate.
For the first time, the Berlin Senate will award research stipends in the field of literature in non-German language. The application deadline is 6:00 p.m. on 15.06.2021. The research stipends are intended to promote the diversity and quality of literary works produced in Berlin by supporting new ideas and approaches. The target group are authors of literature (fiction, prose, poetry and books for children and young adults, no plays) who write in a language other than German, and translators who translate literature (fiction, prose, poetry and books for children and young adults, no plays) from German into another language. The authors and translators should have already proven themselves through publications. The research stipends are endowed with 8.000 € each and will be paid in two instalments in November and December 2021. The application must be submitted online. More information regarding the eligibility and criteria to be found here: INFO.
Please note: Lettrétage e. V. (Projekt schreiben & leben) does not grant any stipends. We are only offering some free advisement in order to help you with questions related to the application. If you have any technical question regarding the online application etc., please contact the Berlin Senate: CONTACT
The advisement will be held on Friday, 4th of June from 2-3:30PM via Zoom. It consists of two parts: It begins with a general Q&A session in English before the participants are distributed among breakout rooms dedicated to more specific questions. Breakout rooms are available either in English, French or Spanish. Please note that the Q&A session is also open for writers from other language areas than those mentioned above. The event is free of charge upon registration.