Event Information:
Sun24Feb201919:00Eintritt: 10 € / 8 € erm.
The Difference between F. & F.
An evening of physical poetry / Poesie-Konzert in englischer Sprache mit Shannon Sullivan, André Matov und Bernd Oezsevim
© Aleksandar Pasar Language that hits like a fist, cuts like a razor blade, or exhibits the gentle tenderness of a slow caress. We press our nose up to the glass for a good look at a society balancing on the brink of (self-)destruction. The ancient myth of Icarus warns against excess. Our global culture has long since cracked the walls of moderation and melted them like wax. Overpopulation and isolation walk side by side, not speaking to each other.
"Hydrogen bombs and poverty / Digital dates, pornography / And endless oil ecstasy …"
Artificial intelligence takes aim at intimacy but there is no replacement for a real heartbeat. Images of the dark side of our society interwoven with intricate rhythms and sweeping soundscapes. Poetic language and music sparring; each luring the other into unknown territory.
© Privat Poet and performer Shannon Sullivan, originally from the US, has been living in Berlin since 2004. Her approach, which she calls "Physical Poetry", explores the interplay of poetry, movement and music. Her work includes "13 poems in a body", "Broken: Part One" and "The Story Written on the Butterfly's tongue" and many more. "The Difference Between F. & F." is her third piece in collaboration with live musicians and her second piece in cooperation with André Matov and Bernd Oezsevim.
© I. Bustorf André Matov is guitarist and composer. His projects - including "ma | tov | trio" and "below c level" - experiment with music and art genres.
© Johannes Schleiermacher Bernd Oezsevim is a multiple award-winning jazz drummer and a jazz scholar of the Berlin Senate 2016.
The German translations of the performed texts are provided by Joey Juschka.
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