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  • Sun

    Death of a Boxer

    20:00 UhrLettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Admission: 5,-/3,-

    Reading by Pete Carvill

    Copyright: Biteback Publishing

    DEATH OF A BOXER is the story of boxing and boxers. But it is, overall, a series of love stories. And it is more about sport than it is about the people who choose to exist in his harsh, marginalized world that is oddly full of beauty and grace. Famed US author Donald Ray Pollock, writer of THE DEVIL ALL THE TIME and KNOCKEMSTIFF, has called DEATH OF A BOXER the ‘best and most-important book on boxing’ that he has ever read.

    Author Pete Carvill is proud to be launching his first non-fiction book at this event in Berlin, where he will be in conversation about what boxing means in the 21st century and sharing anecdotes from three years of writing on the road from around the world.

    Copyright: Pete Carvill

    Pete Carvill has been a reporter, writer, and editor for the last fifteen years, most of them spent in Berlin. He’s also spent nearly twenty years in the worlds of boxing and martial arts. He currently writes for a number of magazines and is working on his second book, A DUEL OF BULLS.