Event Information:
Fri07Apr202319:00Lettrétage in der Veteranenstraße 21, Eintritt frei
The How to Book-Swap Party!
Book Swap Party by The Reader Berlin, Siena Powers, and Victor Breidenbach
(c) Victor Breidenbach, Siena MillerIt is time to let go of the fantasy that you will ever read Thomas Mann’s Der Zauberberg or Alfred Doblin’s Berlin Alexanderplatz. They have been judging you from their high shelf for long enough. You are an adult and will never find the time to read them! The time has come to let someone else carry the burden for a while.
This book swap is about saying goodbye to the ambitions that are weighing us down. It’s about unshackling yourself free! So bring one or two books for the pile, but also make specific gifts to friends or foes. Offer unsolicited advice. Gift kinky novels to prudish friends. Try to sell someone a book they don’t want. Really give it your best. Work all the angles. Maybe you have a future in sales and this party is where you discover it! Challenge someone to a sing off for the book you both want to take home. There may be hard feelings, which is why there will be wine and wrestling referees. Just don’t bring the books from the bottom of your book barrel. Books are tools and we need to start sharing ours with intent.
Bring your friends! The only must is to bring a couple of books to swap and to read the fine print. Don’t worry, there will be posters (Illustrated by Siena Powers and written by Victor Breidenbach) with all the information you will need.
The Reader Berlin is a platform for all writers that hosts creative writing workshops, seminars, events, and literary get-togethers. The Reader tutors include award-winning authors and publishing professionals who offer expert insight, advice and encouragement to emerging writers.
(c) Jan Radke
Sharon D. Mertins is a Guatemalan writer based in Berlin and the Director of The Reader Berlin. Her short fiction has appeared in various literary journals around the world. She is currently working on a novel.