On December 2 and 12, the Berlin artist collective Soul And The City will organize two events at Lettrétage!
Soul And The City brings together various representatives from the fields of literature, performance, performing arts and visual arts on one stage in order to fuse different art forms in practice as well as to open up space for a theoretical examination of transdisciplinary artistic work. The aim is to point out the social interdependencies of our society through the fusion of different artistic approaches and to illustrate what art can mean in socio-political terms. By focusing on artistic collaboration in practice, the collective promotes not only entertaining, but above all educational aspects of interpersonal exchange and thus establishes art as a factor of social engagement.
On this occasion, we spoke with Soar Marongiu, the initiator of Soul And The City, about the socio-political mission of artistic work in general and about their collective in specific.
Q: How would you describe Soul And The City in one sentence?
A: An undertaking encompassing educational, artistic and entertaining projects meant to stimulate, support and empower socially engaged multicultural dialogues.
Q: Tell us a little bit more about Soul And The City: What was the initial idea? On which pillars is your collective based? And what is the meaning of the name?
A: SaC ensued from the idea of intertwining arts and allowing an outlet for various multidisciplinary artists to manifest and grow together. Our main pillars are education, arts and entertainment, as we develop and widen our horizons constantly. With SaC we want to debunk city lifestyle stereotypes, take enriching strolls one event/podcast/project at a time and search for authentic and diverse soul sparks in each city/community, as we dig into social aspects and problematics, unveil individual beauties and universal truths, and keep the hope vivid, while brushing over mundane cloaks of numbness and indifference.
Q: What are the goals of Soul And The City? What approach do you take in developing artistic work?
A: Our goal is to stay interconnected, to learn and to grow together within our communities, cities and worldwide. We can only achieve that by dialogue and empathic listening, as well as by actions through creating outlets of expression and manifestation, through initiating projects and collective undertakings, through solidarity work and societal support.
Q: As a collective, you try to express yourselves as transdisciplinary as possible in your artistic work. What approach do you take to this? How does your collaboration work in general? And what exactly is your role in the collective?
A: As part of the answer is already covered above, I will add that it is very important to have interdisciplinary collaborations and to allow such to happen and prosper. Depending on the project, we collaborate on an advisory basis and we initiate work with the support of those artists/art aficionados interested in that particular project or development or outcome. Thus, every collaboration is supple and based on trust and mutual appreciation of work and endeavours. My role is to initiate, mediate and guide though the process of accomplishments; plus, doing all the in-the-background, unseen work, so much needed for the success of each undertaking.
Q: Finally, what’s next for Soul And the City?
A: Apart from the events dedicated to arts, the solidarity work ensued from them, the WEpodcast, the creative writing masterclasses, the youth voices workshops, the worldwide anthology, the international cities HUB, we are planning the SaC International Days and an International Tour, in our insatiable quest for sparks of soul in every community and city or the world.
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