The Berlin Writers‘ Workshop and Lettrétage present a trilingual reading event with Gregor Guth (Austria), Alan Mills (Guatemala) and Rebecca Rukeyser (USA).

Gregor Guth, geboren 1979 in Wien. Studium der französischen Kulturwissenschaften in Wien und Paris. Studium am Deutschen Literaturinstitut Leipzig. Startstipendium für Literatur des österreichischen Bundeskanzleramtes 2014. Seine Kurzgeschichten und Gedichte wurden in zahlreichen Zeitschriften und Anthologien veröffentlicht (u. a. in LICHTUNGEN, kolik sowie im Sammelband zum MDR-Literaturwettbewerb). Er lebt in Berlin.

Alan Mills is a Guatemalan poet and writer recently selected as one of the 39 best Latin American writers under 39 years of age (List Bogotá 39/Hay Festival). His poetry has been included in the most important anthologies of contemporary Latin American poetry and some of his work has been translated into French, English, German, Portuguese, among other languages.
A translation in French of his micro-novel Sincopes was published in 2010. His poetry collection Pasan poesía en la televisión apagada was published in 2013 in Ecuador.
A hybrid collection of his tweets, aphorisms, micro-stories, and micro-poems was published in Germany under the title of Eine Subkultur der Träume
in 2015; and his experimental essay Hacking Coyote was published also in Germany in 2016. He resides in Berlin and Vienna while finishing a doctoral thesis on science fiction.

Rebecca Rukeyser is a fiction writer, co-founder of the Berlin Writers‘ Workshop, and the recipient of a 2018 Arbeitsstipendium nichtdeutschsprachige Literatur 2018/Grant for Non-German Literature, awarded by the Berlin Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Europa. Her work has appeared in such publications as Best American NonRequired Reading, The Massachusetts Review, and ZYZZYVA. She holds an MFA in Fiction from the Iowa Writers‘ Workshop and teaches creative writing at Heinrich Heine Universität.